An exciting new NetZero project to deliver a whole house insulating. See this exterior eco-retrofit to two homes in Burrington.

In late 2019, work began on an exciting new project to deliver a whole house exterior retrofit to two NDH homes in Burrington. The contractor was Zero Energy Buildings Catalyst (ZEBCat), and the project was one of only three pilot schemes in the UK.
The project aims to reduce energy demand to almost zero for householders, significantly reducing customer utility bills. By providing consistent temperatures throughout their homes all year round, the idea mimics a passivhaus build but can apply to all sorts of terraced housing.
This EnergieSprong approach to building (a Dutch initiative) was part of a larger project of 16 homes around Devon. In collaboration with Devon County Council and other registered housing providers like North Devon Homes, ZebCat was part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The work was carried out without residents having to move out, and although delayed slightly due to Coronavirus, has now completed in Burrington. See more of NDH’s plans for NetZero here:
To find out how it’s done, the Green alliance provides a brochure to explain.