Community-Led Housing
Local people know their area better than anyone else. They’re often naturally better too at taking on the challenges of sustaining their rural community. By following the path blazed by other villages and towns, CLH is becoming a proven and workable solution to the complex problems facing rural areas. The CLH route might be just the right one for you.
Our Success Stories and news blog will keep you informed on winning schemes brought forward by community effort. Follow these links to find out more….
Community Led Housing is a local process and has been growing in the UK over the last decade, increasingly supported by funders and asset holders as a successful way to tackle the issues that face communities. It’s a method of development with a global reach and in many countries people have been combining resources creatively to enable affordable housing because the problem is one shared by many developed countries. To familiarise yourself with the many new terms in use in the sector Jargon Buster from Resonance is really helpful. Click here for a glossary of terms:
There are also a number of tested models for Community Led Housing that can be researched when looking for a solution to housing issues in your area. Every locality has its own needs and not every model will be the fit for you. They are a structure and can be moulded or combined to suit the needs of the community. In our pages here we talk about Community Land Trusts, Co-housing, Intentional and Cooperative Housing groups, and also ‘Hybrid’ Models that encompass Self-Build/Finish or Refurbish methods to constructing affordable accommodation.

Anyone can initiate or help to manage a community led housing project ― you don’t need any experience or qualifications. However, you may be surprised at how many relevant skills and experience you and your community do have if you look. People who embark on community-led housing projects come from all walks of life and enjoy working for community benefit and legacy.
People from a finance background, construction, trades, management, communications or personal experience or knowledge provide useful skills for a project. What you don’t have, you can be supported with. We can signpost you to the expertise that you need. Please contact us.
For DIY-ers, the Community Led Homes website is a font of information and guidance. Their Wayshaper toolkit is a valuable workshopping process that gets to the heart of a group’s needs and priorities. Find out more about Community Led Homes via the website and how to start using Wayshaper where you are.