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Urgent action to tackle Devon’s housing crisis has been agreed by a coalition of cross-party county councillors.

13 Dec

From Devon County Council’s News blog, 2 Dec 2021: 
Main Points– 

It comes as new figures show house price rises in some parts of Devon are among the highest in the country. 
The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics show house price inflation in Devon is running at an average of 13.4 percent – more than Cornwall or Somerset. 
North Devon at 22.4 percent is in the top 10 districts in the country for house price growth with Torridge on 19.8 percent, the South Hams at 15.5 percent and East Devon on 14.8 percent
Figures produced for Team Devon show AirBnB offering 253 rentals in Exmouth compared with just four residential lettings. In Ilfracombe the comparison is 326 AirBnB compared to four resident lets.

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